Al Green
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9 February 2025: Real Programming 4 year anniversary

Real Programming

The Norwegian version of Real Programming was released 4 years ago today. As mentioned below, we handed out virtual awards last year. Nobody really made a staunch stand against fast and energy saving code like the Waterhousers and Ryghs this time, so I guess no new awards. Saving them for the 5 year anniversary next year.

Interesting things did happen, like AI replacing many menial programming tasks, and all the big tech companies reducing their head counts. Who saw that coming? My palantir might not be trustworthy, but it's never wrong.

1 January 2025: Happy new year!

Click to watch video on YouTube

Happy new year! 2024 ended with the launch of the Xmas Demo 2024. Sjur and I went back to the roots and made effects run in 1080p60 on a $99 NVidia Jetson Nano. We're pretty happy with it. Control code is 1199 lines, shaders 1585 lines. Complete source code can be found on the info page.

For the hoi polloi that use base 10, celebrated 15 years online last year. Us hardcore guys will be celebrating 0x10 years this year. The first Real Programming anniversary awards were handed out virtually. Will there be another one? My palantir is keeping quiet at the moment. and were revealed to be wasting enormous amounts of energy. (Speaking of wastage, the AI frenzy is continuing. However, out of the ashes, something useful may arise []. Bad news for those in the idioting business. Feels like I predicted this already. Spooky.)

In the audio lab, we've been toying with a hybrid tube amp and the trusty, old TubeCube. Sjur built a prototype speaker cabinet with his CNC machine and installed some interesting new speaker elements. Lately, we've been going more hardcore []. Is there any other way? Report coming.

In the Nano lab, we've been working with assorted sensors, cameras, lenses, well, the usual array of things that can be connected to it and utilized in interesting new ways. We're running some custom AI stuff on it, too. Remember Corneliusen's two laws of software management. They're in that book. Anyway, we're keeping it under wraps for now. The projects, not the laws. Duh.

Stay tuned for more top notch stuff in 2025! (May be considered regular stuff in some regions)

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